reviews of daily experiences.

thank you. thank you. sweet dreams. thank you.



when i learned that guitarists who play often
can suffer a condition called 'guitar nipple',
i looked toward my own guitar apprehensively.

- two stars -


  1. So of course I look skeptically across the room at mine as well...

  2. In disbelief that my guitar would do such a thing, I googled it and found that the same doctors who reportedly did research on "guitar nipple" also discovered "cello scrotum" and have since admitted that both syndromes were invented. Having said that, I believe you owe your guitar an apology.

    Another question arises from this... Is "google" listed in the dictionary as a verb yet? The spell check in this text box does not seem to be recognizing it, so I assume not. Come on, Merriam and/or Webster... get with the times.

  3. I don't think I'm ready to apologize. No, I'm not ready yet.

    And I have been harboring a suspicion of Google for not letting 'googled' slide in areas it has control, like blogspot and gmail. Glad I'm not alone.
